Scottish themed cooking in Edinburgh

Partly supported by Erasmus+ funding, four teachers of HLW Wolfsberg – two from nutrition and two from the English department – set off to explore the Scottish cuisine. Accommodated in the dormitory of Lanarkshire College, Motherwell, Malcolm, an English cook teaching at the campus, helped us get an insight into the Scottish way of cooking. From Ecclefechan tart to shortbread with seaweed, from scallops to Scottish salmon and langoustines and from roast wood pigeon to Haggis – the dishes we prepared ourselves in the morning and then ate at lunchtime were quite diverse. While most of it was quite easy to digest, a few things were quite unusual for our tongues.

Nevertheless, we had a great time all week but not only in the kitchen. We were also explained the art of whisky making at Auchentoshan distillery, had lunch at Jamie Oliver´s Glasgow restaurant, enjoyed Scottish breakfast at a wonderful B&B near Loch Leven, visited New Lanark´s Mills, a world heritage site, etc. And last but not least, it must be mentioned that occasionally we were challenged by the language spoken in the area – “Scottish” English. J

Text: Mag. Andrea Hofer,Fotos: Walburga Ninaus, BEd MA

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